Kerala tourism – Thrissur tourist places kerala kerala photos kerala tourism kole fields natural nedupuzha thrissur tourism by Kerala Photos - February 17, 2013April 20, 2016 Kerala Photos - Nedupuzha Kole Fields This picture is of Kole field which is in Nedupuzha, Thrissur. The kole fields are very beautiful which are surrounded with water.
Kerala Kole – Thrissur – Kerala tourism kerala kerala photos kerala tourism natural nedupuzha paddy fields thrissur by Kerala Photos - February 16, 2013November 14, 2016 Kerala Kole Photos - Nedupuzha This picture is from Nedupuzha kole, Thrissur which is in Kerala. Nedupuzha is very famous for kole fields in Thrissur,Kerala.
Vilangankunnu Pictures – Kerala Tourism kerala kerala photos kerala tourism thrissur vilangankunnu by Kerala Photos - February 15, 2013May 31, 2016 Kerala Tourism - Vilangankunnu Pictures A snap of a statue placed at Vilangankunnu (Vilanagan hills) in Thrissur, Kerala. Vilangankunnu is a nice place to visit. We can see all major parts of Thrissur from this vilangan hills. We can see up to the sea lays at west if the atmosphere is good.
Thrissur Basilica Church – Kerala Churches basilica church church kerala kerala photos kerala tourism puthenpalli thrissur by Kerala Photos - February 15, 2013June 3, 2016 Thrissur Basilica Church - Kerala Photos This picture is of Basilica Church, Thrissur. This picture was taken from Bible Tower.
Chimmini Dam – Thrissur Pictures chimmini dams kerala kerala photos kerala tourism natural thrissur by Kerala Photos - February 14, 2013April 22, 2016 Kerala Tourist Places - Chimmini Dam This picture is of Chimmini Dam which is in Thrissur,Kerala. Chimmini dam is very wide. The beauty of the dam surroundings is unexplainable. It is very nice to go in the morning.
Kerala Photos – Chmmini – Thrissur chimmini dams forest kerala kerala tourism natural thrissur wildlife by Kerala Photos - February 14, 2013June 1, 2016 Kerala Tourist Places - Chimmini Chimmini wildlife - This picture is from Chimmini dam surroundings. Chimmini dam is situated in Thrissur district which is 35kms away from Thrissur city. Chimmini dam is surrounded with thick forest and the way to chimmini dam is surrounded with different cultivations and plantations such as rubber,
Kerala Tourism – Thrissur Photos – Nature kerala kerala photos kerala tourism kole fields natural thrissur by Kerala Photos - February 12, 2013March 20, 2017 Kerala Natural Pictures - Thrissur Thrissur is very graceful with beautiful kole fields. It is very nice to see these paddy fields with water as a sea. Here, this picture I captured from Thrissur itself on my way to Pavaratty. A paddy field is a flooded part of arable land used
Kerala Tourism – Kerala Images kerala kerala photos kerala tourism temples thrissur vadakkunnathan by Kerala Photos - February 11, 2013August 13, 2016 Kerala Tourism - Kerala Temples - Vadakkunnathan temple A picture of Vadakkunnathan Temple which is located at Thrissur which is on the heart of the Thrissur city. Vadakkunnathan Temple is surrounded with a road called Swaraj Round road. Vadakkunnathan Temple - Thrissur Vadakkunnathan Temple is situated in the district of Thrissur, in the
Thrissur Tourism – Kerala Paddy Fields india kanimangalam kerala kerala photos kerala tourism kole fields natural paddy fields thrissur thrissur kole fields thrissur photos thrissur pictures by Kerala Photos - February 11, 2013March 8, 2017 Thrissur Tourism Photos - Kanimangalam A snap of Kanimangalam Paddy field which is located in Thrissur, Kerala. Kanimangalam is a place surrounded with paddy fields. These paddy field lands called as "Kole fields". The rest of the year these lands were in water. These region is under Thrissur corporation. Nowadays Paddy field cultivation is
Kerala Tourism – Kerala Photos – Thrissur flowers kerala kerala photos natural thrissur thrissur palace by Kerala Photos - February 11, 2013January 18, 2017 Kerala Tourism Photos - Thrissur This is a snap from Thrissur Sakthan Thampuran Palace. This Sakthan Thampuran Palace is located on Thrissur district which is exactly on town. Sakthan Thampuran Palace is near to thrissur vadakke(north) bus-stand.Shakthan Thampuran palace was reconstructed in 1795 by Ramavarma Thampuran. He is greatest ruler of Cochin